" F l o w e r "


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. You are welcoming here. This blog belongs to Farah Syazwani. A girl who was trying to be better muslimah. A muslim. A daugther. A student. A interior desingner to-be. Insyaallah. Being a blogger since April 2011. Thankyou for follow and respect me. Okay,thanks

" I'M not alone ALLAH is always with ME "

Cute blog
True best friends
Superb famiy
Graphic art's student
My own laptop
Polaroid camera
Canon DSLR
Make parents proud
Straight A's in SPM
Finish degree
Wanna to be a Interior Designer
Start working
Fly to Mecca & paris
Travel to Korea

We can chatting here

Selamat Hari Lahir mama!}
Wednesday 31 December 2014 | 02:32 | 0Comment

Happy 47th Birthday, Mama!
Longlife, stay healthy and strong
Thanks for raising us all these years long
Thanks for teaching us new things in life
Thanks for always be here for us
Please always be patient and keep looking after us
Forgive me for not being able to make you happy

May Allah bless all your life, and give you the best reward for being the best mother for us, ameen...

Once again, Happy Birthday!

(Well, there's no way my mom will ever visit my blog. Therefore I will try to say it to her in words, even if that's gonna be embarrassing, since we're not that expressive anyway :))

Tuesday 31 December 2013 | 01:09 | 0Comment

Assalamualaikum & hai bloggers!

ya allah rindunyaaaa nak bercerita kat blog niii. Habis berhabuk blog aku dah lama tak update. tak tau lah kenapa tahun nii rasa macam malas je nak update blog. Tak ada idea sebenarnyaaa. Dari start cuti nak update blog nii tapi tak update2 pun. Dah last cuti baru sibukkan diri nak mencari idea untuk menaip di sini haha. Sekejapnya rasa cuti sekolah kan? rasa macam baru semalam je cuti tup tup lusa dah nak sekolah! Ouh tidakkk! Korang amacam cuti? best? Hmm aku tak jalan mana pun holiday this year. Mama busy marking spm paper so dont have time for holiday. Just balik kampung kejap. Duduk kat melaka 2,3 hari sebab abang sulung terlalu busy dengan kuliah dan takde masa nak balik sini so kami terpaksa pergi sana tengok dia. Then, kembali kehidupan semasa cuti seperti biasa. Soooooooo bored :(((

31 Disember 2013, today is the last day of 2013. Lagi sehari je lagi dah nak sekolah kan and that means I will be senior in my school! Batch 97, selamat menjadi senior esok. Hahahaha yayy. k takde lah gembira sangat pun sebab kalau dah masuk 2014, aku akan SPM! Dan akan digelar "SPM CANDIDATES". Oh no. Boleh tak kalau tak nak spm? boleh masuk form5 tapi takde spm? boleh tak kalau terus habis sekolah? wuwuuu :'((( Help me please. Serius aku cakap hati aku tak tenang  sebab asyik pikirkan SPM NEXT YEARRRR. Wehhh serammm rasanyaa.

Okay start from now until spm I will not update blog or erti kata lain lepas nii aku dah tak aktif berblogging. No blog, no twitter and no facebook after this! Because I think I dont have time for all of this and next year is the busy year for me, with my tuition and have to get ready for spm. In shaa allah, aku akan study hard sebab aku dah tak nak jadi macam pmr dulu. Masa tuu banyak sangat main haha. Bila tengok result exam sebelum2 nii baru dapat 'kesedaran'  sebab tahun nii aku pun macam honeymoon je. But now, I have to focus on my study. No more play2 okay farah syazwani? Kau kena selalu ingat yang kau tuu dah form5. espeyem wehh espeyemm!!! Jangan kecewakan mak ayah kau lagi. Cuba bagi mak ayah kau bangga dengan kau. Okayy chaiyok2! ((Note to self)) Anyway tolong doakan farah syazwani berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat, aminnn :')

Goodbye 2013. You make me cry, make me laugh. But its time to move on. And welcome 2014! Please be awesome and dont be bad with me.